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9) Radigan, W. J. and M. J. Fincel. 2021. Factors related to age-0 sport=fish abundance in four mainstem Missouri River reservoirs. Fisheries Management and Ecology: 28


8) Radigan, W. J. and M. J. Fincel. 2020. Factors related to age-0 native fish catch per unit effort in the South Dakota Missouri River reservoirs. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management: 11: 1-16.


7) Radigan, W. J., and M. J. Fincel. 2019. Factors affecting White Bass abundance in two Missouri River reservoirs. The Prairie Naturalist 51: 3-16.


6) Radigan, W. J., A. K. Carlson, M. J. Fincel, and B. D. S. Graeb. 2019. Effects of the 2011 Missouri River flood on Walleye natal recruitment and habitat use in Lake Sharpe, South Dakota. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 34: 213-228.


5) Radigan, W. J., A. K. Carlson, M. J. Fincel, and B.D.S. Graeb. 2018. Assessing the utility of otolith chemistry for management of six freshwater fishes from a river-reservoir system. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38: 316-326.


4) Radigan, W. J., A. K. Carlson, M. J. Fincel, and B.D.S. Graeb. 2018. Otolith chemistry as a fisheries management tool after flooding: the case of Missouri River Gizzard Shad. River Research and Applications 34: 270-278.


3) Radigan, W. J., A. K. Carlson, J. L. Kientz, S. R. Chipps, M. J. Fincel, and B.D.S. Graeb. 2018. Species- and habitat-specific otolith chemistry patterns inform riverine fisheries management. River Research and Applications 34: 279-287.


2) Fincel, M. J., R. P. Hanten, M. J. Smith, and W. J. Radigan. 2017. Recommendations for stocking Gizzard Shad in large upper-Midwest reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37: 3.


1) Fincel, M. J, W. J. Radigan, and C. Longhenry. 2016. Entrainment of Rainbow Smelt through Oahe Dam during the 2011 Missouri River flood. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36: 844-851.

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